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Martinez Lodge #710 is a regular and recognized lodge located in Augusta, GA, having a charter through the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Georgia.


Regular Lodge communications are held on the first Monday of every month with dinner served at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting starting promptly at 8:00 p.m.

History of Martinez Masonic Lodge #710 F. & A. M.

On December 14th, 1953, a group of Master Masons met at the Martinez Community Club House to draw up a petition to secure permission from the Grand Lodge of Georgia for a Masonic Lodge at Martinez. There were 48 signers. Temporary Officers were elected as follows: Ed Nichols, W.M.; Chester Mullikin, S.W.; Charles Hardin, J.W.; Max Haughee, Secretary; S. M. Hill, Treasurer; G. C. Sanders, S.D.; H. C. Baston, J.D.; Tom Ayers, Chaplain; Edgar Mills, S.S.; Frank Heath, J.S.; Bracey Watkins, Tyler. 


Sponsored by the George Walton Lodge No. 699, our application was forwarded to the Grand Lodge, and on June 15th, 1954, Grand Secretary, Worshipful Brother Dan Locklin, presented our acting Worshipful Master with the dispensation. Past Worshipful Master J. Paul Stephens presided this meeting. 


There being no available two story buildings for meeting purposes, it was decided to form a Martinez Temple Association for the purpose of selecting a lot on which to build a Masonic Temple. On July 20th, 1954, the following trustees were appointed: C. M. Hill, Sr., Rufus Lanier, B. L. Talbert, Joe Tweedy, James Robertson, and L. S. Worley. 


At the 168th annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, held on October 26th and 27th, 1954, the charter was approved. 


Right Worshipful Brother B. Lee Amon, Deputy Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother George P. Whitman, Sr., constituted and dedicated Georgia's newest Lodge, Martinez No. 710, on Monday January 3rd, 1955. Assisting in the ceremonies were Most Worshipful Brother J. Henry Wilkinson, P.G.M., Right Worshipful Brother W. Locklin, Grand Secretary, Worshipful Brother J. Paul Stephens, Past Eminent Commander of the Grand Commandry of Georgia, Worshipful Brother H. W. Powell, P.M. Social Lodge, and others. The first men to receive their Master Degree after our constitution were: William Lanier, F. M. Kelly, and Harry Mills.


A parcel of land, located at Washington Road, was purchased and ground was broken on March 22nd, 1955, for the new Masonic Temple. During the months that followed, through the tireless efforts and endless labors of the members of the lodge, what was previously a dream now became a reality, when, on February 28th, 1956, the first communication was called in the new temple and the "Sublime Degree of Master Mason" was conferred upon Oscar C. Thigpen, Luther W. Wilson, Williams C. Hobbs, Billy E. Carrow, and courtesy candidate Lou Stratton. 


A Cornerstone and Dedication ceremony was held on Monday October 8th, 1956, with the following Grand Lodge Officers present: Most Worshipful Grand Master B. Lee Amon, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary Daniel W. Locklin, Worshipful and Reverend Grand Chaplain William C. Corley, Worshipful 3rd Grand Steward Clarence H. Cohen.


In February of 2012 the Washington Road building was sold, and in November of 2012 a new property was purchased. A ground breaking ceremony was held at the new property, located at 3730 Wheeler Road Augusta, GA 30909, on October 4th 2013, and construction was begun on a new lodge building for Martinez Lodge #710. The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, E. Ray Knittel, and other distinguished guests were present at the ground breaking.

© 2013 Martinez Masonic Lodge #710 F. & A. M.

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